Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Alone in my house: Day Two and Three

Apparently I'm terrible at documenting my real life.

Day Two and Three:

Following my 5 hours of reorganizing the kitchen I threw myself into DVD's, hand-crafts and unusual meals made from room-mate abandoned food. Like eggs three days past their due.

Did you know you can tell whether an egg has turned using only a bowl of cold water? Thank god that was true considering the faith I put into it. Fill a bowl with cold water and place the egg on the bottom. If the egg sits "flat" (it's round, get it?) on the bottom, that's a fresh egg. If the egg floats a little bit but is still touching the bottom, it's still good but running out of time. If the egg floats, you better find something else to do with it other than eating it. Unless that's your thing in which case, you're an idiot.

After the egg didn't float, I boiled up some Ramen and drained it like pasta. I mixed up half the Ramen seasoning (oriental because I dabble in vegetarianism and the meat seasonings are made from animal) in the noodles then fried an egg sunny-side up with tabasco, thyme and montreal steak seasoning (because I love irony). I bowled up the Ramen and placed the egg (which I left a little runny) right on top.

Cost of meal: I already had the egg and seasonings so all I needed was the Ramen for $.89.

After my shanty dinner, I started working on a mobile using giant paper clips, fishing line, needle-nose pliers and cut up Kroger cards. This was an odd time for me.

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