Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alone in my house: Summer Edition part 1/2

I swear to no one and nothing I will chronicle my whole time alone in this house.

It's summer and with summer comes sun, swimming and music festivals. In particular (at least as far as I know) Bonnaroo. I've never been to Bonnaroo (as much as I'd like to) and this year I put all my spare money into Comicon in July. However, all my roommates bought tickets and Stingray is filming out of town for the same amount time which leaves me... alone... IN THE HOUSE. This has happened before over Christmas and with so much time on my hands, I tried to blog each day to see what I ended coming up with and how I spent my time... alone... IN THE HOUSE.

I think I got two posts in 5 days.

But I'm going to do it this time. I don't promise.

Day 1/2: The First Night

Really alone time began at midnight when I got home and realized it was just me in the house. I promptly removed my pants and stole food from my roommates to make fried rice. Then I meditated on how to spend all this time deciding on composing some music and drawing some sample pieces... then I watched hulu for two hours and started updating my blog.

Good night!

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